Finding a Top Financial guru

Sep 29, 2022 By Susan Kelly

You don't have to tackle your credit card debt alone, whether your goal is eliminating it or creating a budget to increase your family's savings. To better your financial situation, you don't necessarily need to pay someone a lot.

The most popular financial gurus in history are remembered for entirely different things. They include wealthy businesspeople who teach others how to invest, famous TV personalities who publish books, and thieves who have pocketed millions of dollars.

Many personal finance experts or gurus have gathered and disseminated tools and techniques to assist you in achieving financial success. They may be on social media, where they regularly share advice with followers and have authored books. Several experts host workshops both online and in-person to aid you in achieving your objectives even more quickly.

Here are ten of the most well-known financial gurus list.

Top 10 Financial Gurus

  1. Suze Orman

Suze Orman, an Emmy-winning television host and the best-selling author of numerous books, is renowned for her aggressive and demanding manner, which she always delivers with a grin. Orman is one of the most famous female financial experts of all time due to her presence on "The Today Show," "The Oprah Winfrey Show," and in O magazine column.

She has written many books, including "The Laws of Money," which offers advice on taking charge of your finances and life. Although Orman focuses a lot on the psychology of personal money, her website also contains a variety of helpful calculators that can help you organize your finances.

  1. Dave Ramsey

Six of Dave Ramsey's books have achieved bestseller status. He is a radio and television personality.

Ramsey, who once lost everything in the real estate market, now tries to assist others with financial issues. He filed for bankruptcy. On his syndicated radio show, he accepts calls from listeners experiencing financial difficulties. His guiding principle is to live debt-free. He offers advice on practical ways to get out of debt.

He excels at guiding individuals through the step-by-step process of achieving financial independence.

He frequently refers to the "triangle of stability" in terms of money: save a lot, pay off debt, and establish an emergency fund with at least six months' worth of spending.

  1. Benjamin Graham

Benjamin Graham is the pioneer of the practice of finding and purchasing inexpensive stocks that have the potential to raise value over time is known as value investing.

His method for determining a company's intrinsic value avoids fads and popular beliefs in favor of the careful investigation, in-depth financial analysis, and patience—concepts that are commonplace today but were groundbreaking when he first offered it in the 1930s.

Many of the most prosperous investors of the past 70 years are among Graham's followers. Whatever their approach to investing, all stock traders and asset managers should read his book "The Intelligent Investor."

  1. David Bach

The Automatic Millionaire and The Finish Rich television series made David Bach a well-known author who has sold over a billion books since he first picked a pen.

David Bach's philosophy is straightforward and founded on "paying yourself first," according to which a specific sum of money is immediately transferred to your savings and thus to the "future" you. Bach thinks that you can increase your wealth by leading a greener lifestyle. However, many people have benefited from Bach's teachings without adopting a green lifestyle.

  1. Neale Godfrey

One of the first female bankers in the financial sector, Neale Godfrey, began her career in 1972 at Chase Manhattan bank. Neale has played a significant role in the financial industry over the past 30 years, assisting and advising people worldwide.

She is a prolific writer on money and finances, but she targets a particular audience. She strives to pass on financial literacy to the next generation with books and materials made for children and parents so that the whole family works towards a common objective of financial security.

  1. Robert Kiyosaki

The top-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book series, Robert Kiyosaki, also presents real estate and personal finance workshops.

His fundamental tenet is to develop passive investment income streams and build them until they can provide for you without needing to work.

The best-selling book by Kiyosaki has been translated into more than 40 languages and has sold more than 32 million copies to date.

  1. Jim Cramer

Jim Cramer is a former hedge fund executive who currently hosts the "Mad Money" program on CNBC. The program is renowned for its bold, boisterous, and frantic flair. Cramer also had his website,, which offers news, analysis, and guidance about Wall Street.

Cramer declared his departure from TheStreet in 2021. Cramer has made some historically poor stock selections throughout his tenure as a television personality.

  1. Bernard Madoff

Before running a fraudulent securities company, Bernie Madoff served as Nasdaq chairman for three years in the 1990s. He used this business as a front to set up a hedge fund division that was a complete fabrication while ostensibly using sophisticated trading techniques. Instead, he deposited new money into a single bank account, which he then used to pay existing clients who wanted to withdraw their money.

Thousands of wealthy and well-known individuals and even other hedge funds made investments with him due to his profits and reputation, which seemed so good.

  1. Charles Ponzi

Although Charles Ponzi did not develop the pyramid scheme, his version was so daring that it gave his name to all subsequent scams of a similar type. In 1919–20, he made returns of 50% in 45 days or 100% in 90 days under the guise of a company called Securities Exchange Company.

Investors were drawn to him immediately because of his reputation for success in post-stamp coupon arbitrage.

Ponzi transferred the funds without investing them, telling the investors they had earned a profit while keeping a sizable amount of the money for himself.

There would always be adequate cash flow to return the capital (and "earnings") to the investors who came before them as long as fresh investors continued to put money into Ponzi's scheme.

  1. Peter Lynch

From 1977 through 1990, Peter Lynch oversaw the Fidelity Magellan Fund (FMAGX).

He gave investors a 29% yearly compounded rate of return throughout his time in office.

Lynch wrote three best-selling books describing his investment strategy after leaving the fund, emphasizing that smaller investors had a chance of outperforming giant asset managers in the stock market.

Final thoughts

A financial advisor assists their clients in managing their finances. They often help with immediate economic issues. The majority of financial advisors are eager to offer no-cost meet-and-greet events. There are frequent commissions or fixed costs after you start working with a financial guru.

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